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1、从www.isc.org下载bind 域名服务器软件。我们这里用的是bind8.3.0,bind8分支和bind9分支是并行发展的。根据自己的实际情况选择合适的bind版本。

2、mkdir /usr/src/bind83


4、cd /usr/local/src/bind83

5、tar zxvf bind-src.tar.gz

6、cd src

7、make stdlinks

8、make clean

9、make depend

10、make all

11、make install


   * This is a worthless, nonrunnable example of a named.conf file that has
   * every conceivable syntax element in use. We use it to test the parser.
   * It could also be used as a conceptual template for users of new features.
   * C-style comments are OK
  // So are C++-style comments
  # So are shell-style comments
  // watch out for ";" -- it's important!
  options {
directory "/var/named";
      // use current directory
named-xfer "/usr/libexec/named-xfer";
      // _PATH_XFER
dump-file "named_dump.db";
pid-file "/var/run/named.pid";
      // _PATH_PIDFILE
statistics-file "named.stats";
      // _PATH_STATS
memstatistics-file "named.memstats";
check-names master fail;
check-names slave warn;
check-names response ignore;
host-statistics no;
deallocate-on-exit no;
      // Painstakingly deallocate all
      // objects when exiting instead of
      // letting the OS clean up for us.
      // Useful a memory leak is suspected.
// Final statistics are written to the
// memstatistics-file.
datasize default;
stacksize default;
coresize default;
files unlimited;
recursion yes;
fetch-glue yes;
fake-iquery no;
notify yes;
     // send NOTIFY messages. You can set
// notify on a zone-by-zone
// basis in the "zone" statement
// see (below)
serial-queries 4;
     // number of parallel SOA queries
// we can have outstanding for master
// zone change testing purposes
auth-nxdomain yes;
// always set AA on NXDOMAIN.
// don't set this to 'no' unless
// you know what you're doing -- older
// servers won't like it.
multiple-cnames no;
   // if yes, then a name my have more
// than one CNAME RR. This use
// is non-standard and is not
// recommended, but it is available
// because previous releases supported
// it and it was used by large sites
// for load balancing.
allow-query { any; };
allow-transfer { any; };
transfers-in 10;
     // DEFAULT_XFERS_RUNNING, cannot be
   // set > than MAX_XFERS_RUNNING (20)
transfers-per-ns 2;
transfers-out 0;
// not implemented
max-transfer-time-in 120;
// MAX_XFER_TIME; the default number
// of minutes an inbound zone transfer
// may run. May be set on a per-zone
// basis.
transfer-format one-answer;
query-source address * port *;
* The "forward" option is only meaningful if you've defined
* forwarders. "first" gives the normal BIND
* forwarding behavior, i.e. ask the forwarders first, and if that
* doesn't work then do the full lookup. You can also say
* "forward only;" which is what used to be specified with
* "slave" or "options forward-only". "only" will never attempt
   * a full lookup; only the forwarders will be used.
forward first;
forwarders { };
    // default is no forwarders
topology { localhost; localnets; };
    // prefer local nameservers
listen-on port 53 { any; };
    // listen for queries on port 53 on
   // any interface on the system
   // (i.e. all interfaces). The
   // "port 53" is optional; if you
   // don't specify a port, port 53
   // is assumed.
* Interval Timers
cleaning-interval 60;
    // clean the cache of expired RRs
   // every 'cleaning-interval' minutes
interface-interval 60;
    // scan for new or deleted interfaces
   // every 'interface-interval' minutes
statistics-interval 60;
    // log statistics every
   // 'statistics-interval' minutes
maintain-ixfr-base no;
    // If yes, keep transaction log file for IXFR
max-ixfr-log-size 20;
    // Not implemented, maximum size the
   // IXFR transaction log file to grow

   * Control listeners, for "ndc". Every nameserver needs at least one.
  controls {
inet * port 52 allow { any; };
// a bad idea
unix "/var/run/ndc" perm 0600 owner 0 group 0;
       // the default
  zone "rd.xxx.com" in {
type master;
      // what used to be called "primary"
file "rd.xxx.com.db";
check-names fail;
allow-update { none; };
allow-transfer { any; };
allow-query { any; };
// notify yes;
      // send NOTIFY messages for this
// zone? The global option is used
// if "notify" is not specified
// here.
also-notify { };
      // don't notify any nameservers other
// than those on the NS list for this
// zone

  zone "223.99.211.in-addr.arpa" in {
type master;
// what used to be called "secondary"
file "21.9.22.db";

  zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
type master;
file "127.0.0.db";

  zone "." in {
type hint;
       // used to be specified w/ "cache"
file "named.root";

  logging {
* All log output goes to one or more "channels"; you can make as
* many of them as you want.
channel syslog_errors {
      // this channel will send errors or
syslog user;
      // or worse to syslog (user facility)
severity error;
category parser {
// you can log to as many channels
     // as you want
category lame-servers { null; };
     // don't log these at all
channel moderate_debug {
severity debug 3;
     // level 3 debugging to file
file "foo";
     // foo
print-time yes;
    // timestamp log entries
print-category yes;
     // print category name
print-severity yes;
     // print severity level
* Note that debugging must have been turned on either
* on the command line or with a signal to get debugging
* output (non-debugging output will still be written to
* this channel).

* If you don't want to see "zone XXXX loaded" messages but do
* want to see any problems, you could do the following.
channel no_info_messages {
severity notice;
category load { no_info_messages; };
* You can also define category "default"; it gets used when no
* "category" statement has been given for a category.
category default {



 ;Authoriative data for rd.xxx.com
  $TTL 3600
  @ IN SOA compaq.rd.xxx.com. tandongyu.rd.xxx.com. (
    20020101 ;Serial
    3600 ;Refresh 1 hour
    900 ;Retry 15 mins
    604800 ;Expire 7 days
    86400) ;Mini 24 hours
  ;Name server NS records
  @ IN NS compaq.rd.xxx.com.
  ;Mail Exchange (MX) records
  rd.xxx.com. IN MX 0 compaq
  ;Address (A) records.
  localhost IN A
  compaq IN A
  tls65 IN A
  fbsd IN A


  $TTL 3600
  @ IN SOA compaq.rd.xxx.com. tandongyu.rd.xxx.com. (
    20020101 ;Serial
    3600 ;Refresh
    900 ;Retry 15 mins
    604800 ;Expire 7 days
    86400) ;Mini 24 hours
  ;NameServer (NS) records
  @ IN NS compaq.rd.xxx.com.
  ;Address Point to Name (PTR) records
  9 IN PTR compaq.rd.xxx.com.
  8 IN PTR tls65.rd.xxx.com.
  7 IN PTR fbsd.rd.xxx.com.


  ; 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa
  $TTL 3600
  @ IN SOA compaq.rd.xxx.com. tandongyu.rd.xxx.com. (
3600 ;refresh
1800 ;retry
604800 ;expiration
3600 ) ;minimum
IN NS compaq.rd.xxx.com.
  1 IN PTR localhost.

16、在/var/named/中生成/etc/named.conf中标记的文件:named.root,内容大致如下。该文件标记了14个域名服务器。可以从ftp.rs.internic.net获得该文件的最新样本:named.hosts,然后改名成你需要  ; This file holds the information on root name servers needed to
  ; initialize cache of Internet domain name servers
  ; (e.g. reference this file in the "cache . "
  ; configuration file of BIND domain name servers).
  ; This file is made available by InterNIC registration services
  ; under anonymous FTP as
  ; file /domain/named.root
  ; on server FTP.RS.INTERNIC.NET
  ; -OR- under Gopher at RS.INTERNIC.NET
  ; under menu InterNIC Registration Services (NSI)
  ; submenu InterNIC Registration Archives
  ; file named.root
  ; last update: Aug 22, 1997
  ; related version of root zone: 1997082200
  ; formerly NS.INTERNIC.NET
    . 3600000 IN NS A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly NS1.ISI.EDU
    . 3600000 NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly C.PSI.NET
    . 3600000 NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly TERP.UMD.EDU
    . 3600000 NS D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly NS.NASA.GOV
    . 3600000 NS E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly NS.ISC.ORG
    . 3600000 NS F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly NS.NIC.DDN.MIL
    . 3600000 NS G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly AOS.ARL.ARMY.MIL
    . 3600000 NS H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; formerly NIC.NORDU.NET
    . 3600000 NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; temporarily housed at NSI (InterNIC)
    . 3600000 NS J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; housed in LINX, operated by RIPE NCC
    . 3600000 NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; temporarily housed at ISI (IANA)
    . 3600000 NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; housed in Japan, operated by WIDE
    . 3600000 NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 3600000 A
  ; End of File


18、一切都结束后,用/usr/sbin/ndc start命令启动bind,同样的可用stop、restart、reload等命令参数操作。

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