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不出意外的话,Steve McIntyre将当选为新一届的Debian Linux社区领导人,在美国当地时间星期三可能会宣布这一消息。

在总共1075位的DD(Debian Developer)中,超过37%的用户参与了投票,参选项目领导人的有三位候选人,另外两位是Raphael Hertzog 和 Marc Brockschmidt。

The Debian GNU/Linux project will be led by Steve McIntyre from April 17 onwards after he was declared elected on Saturday US time in the 2008 elections.

A little more than 37 percent of the 1075 developers voted in the election which was contested by three candidates, the other two being Raphael Hertzog and Marc Brockschmidt.

The project uses the Condorcet method for determining a winner. According to the explanation at the Debian voting site, one has to "consider all possible two-way races between candidates. The Condorcet winner, if there is one, is the one candidate who can beat each other candidate in a two-way race with that candidate."

McIntyre has been a Debian developer since 1996 and contested the elections in 2006 and 2007 as well, finishing second on both occasions.
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