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[英]The Helios Master's view into ZooKeeper.


代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

public void setUp() throws Exception {
// make zookeeper interfaces
curator = zk().curatorWithSuperAuth();
final ZooKeeperClientProvider zkcp = new ZooKeeperClientProvider(
new DefaultZooKeeperClient(curator), ZooKeeperModelReporter.noop());
final List eventSenders = Collections.emptyList();
zkMasterModel = new ZooKeeperMasterModel(zkcp, getClass().getName(), eventSenders, "");
agent = startDefaultAgent(TEST_HOST);
client = defaultClient();
awaitHostRegistered(client, TEST_HOST, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

final String token)
throws HostNotFoundException, JobNotDeployedException, TokenVerificationException {
assertHostExists(client, host);
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, jobId);
if (deployment == null) {
throw new JobNotDeployedException(host, jobId);
final Job job = getJob(client, jobId);
verifyToken(token, job);
final String cOnfigHostJobPath= Paths.configHostJob(host, jobId);
nodes.add(Paths.configJobHost(jobId, host));
final List staticPorts = staticPorts(job);
for (final int port : staticPorts) {
nodes.add(Paths.configHostPort(host, port));

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

* Used to update the existing deployment of a job.
public void updateDeployment(final String host, final Deployment deployment, final String token)
throws HostNotFoundException, JobNotDeployedException, TokenVerificationException {
log.info("updating deployment {}: {}", deployment, host);
final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("updateDeployment");
final JobId jobId = deployment.getJobId();
final Job job = getJob(client, jobId);
final Deployment existingDeployment = getDeployment(host, jobId);
if (job == null) {
throw new JobNotDeployedException(host, jobId);
verifyToken(token, job);
assertHostExists(client, host);
assertTaskExists(client, host, deployment.getJobId());
final String path = Paths.configHostJob(host, jobId);
final Task task = new Task(job, deployment.getGoal(),
try {
client.setData(path, task.toJsonBytes());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new HeliosRuntimeException("updating deployment " + deployment
+ " on host " + host + " failed", e);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getJobStatus");
final Job job = getJob(client, jobId);
if (job == null) {
return null;
hosts = listJobHosts(client, jobId);
} catch (JobDoesNotExistException e) {
return null;
final ImmutableMap.Builder taskStatuses = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (final String host : hosts) {
final TaskStatus taskStatus = getTaskStatus(client, host, jobId);
if (taskStatus != null) {
taskStatuses.put(host, taskStatus);
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, jobId);
if (deployment != null) {
deployments.put(host, deployment);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

* Returns the current status of the host named by {@code host}.
public HostStatus getHostStatus(final String host) {
final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getHostStatus");
if (!ZooKeeperRegistrarUtil.isHostRegistered(client, host)) {
log.warn("Host {} isn't registered in ZooKeeper.", host);
return null;
final boolean up = checkHostUp(client, host);
final HostInfo hostInfo = getHostInfo(client, host);
final AgentInfo agentInfo = getAgentInfo(client, host);
final Map tasks = getTasks(client, host);
final Map statuses = getTaskStatuses(client, host);
final Map envirOnment= getEnvironment(client, host);
final Map labels = getLabels(client, host);
return HostStatus.newBuilder()
.setStatus(up ? UP : DOWN)

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

final Job job = getJob(id);
verifyToken(token, job);
final String taskCreatiOnPath= Paths.configHostJobCreation(host, id, operationId);
final List staticPorts = staticPorts(job);
final Map portNodes = Maps.newHashMap();
final byte[] idJson = id.toJsonBytes();
} catch (NoNodeException e) {
assertJobExists(client, id);
assertHostExists(client, host);
deployJobRetry(client, host, deployment, count + 1, token);
} catch (NodeExistsException e) {
checkForPortConflicts(client, host, port, id);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

final DeploymentGroup deploymentGroup,
final String host) {
final TaskStatus taskStatus = getTaskStatus(client, host, deploymentGroup.getJobId());
final JobId jobId = deploymentGroup.getJobId();
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, jobId);
if (deployment == null) {
return opFactory.error(
if (isRolloutTimedOut(client, deploymentGroup)) {
return opFactory.error("timed out while retrieving job status", host,
if (isRolloutTimedOut(client, deploymentGroup)) {
return rollingUpdateTimedoutError(opFactory, host, jobId, taskStatus);
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, deploymentGroup.getJobId());
if (deployment == null) {
return opFactory.error(

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

public void testMaster() throws Exception {
final JobId jobId = createAndAwaitJobRunning();
// shut down the agent so it cannot remove the tombstone we make
// make sure things look correct before
assertEquals(START, zkMasterModel.getDeployment(TEST_HOST, jobId).getGoal());
// undeploy job
client.undeploy(jobId, TEST_HOST).get();
// These used to be filtered away
assertNull(zkMasterModel.getDeployment(TEST_HOST, jobId));

代码示例来源:origin: at.molindo/helios-services

private RollingUpdateTaskResult rollingUpdateAwaitRunning(final DeploymentGroup deploymentGroup,
final String host) {
final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("rollingUpdateAwaitRunning");
final Map taskStatuses = getTaskStatuses(client, host);
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, deploymentGroup.getJobId());
if (deployment == null) {
return RollingUpdateTaskResult.error(
if (isRolloutTimedOut(deploymentGroup, client)) {
return RollingUpdateTaskResult.error("timed out while retrieving job status", host);
if (isRolloutTimedOut(deploymentGroup, client)) {
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, deploymentGroup.getJobId());
if (deployment == null) {
return RollingUpdateTaskResult.error(

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

.filter(host -> checkHostUp(zooKeeperClient, host))
final List upHostsToDeploy = updateHostsCopy.stream()
.filter(host -> checkHostUp(zooKeeperClient, host))

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

* Creates a config entry within the specified agent to un/deploy a job, or more generally, change
* the deployment status according to the {@code Goal} value in {@link Deployment}.
public void deployJob(final String host, final Deployment deployment, final String token)
throws JobDoesNotExistException, JobAlreadyDeployedException, HostNotFoundException,
JobPortAllocationConflictException, TokenVerificationException {
final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("deployJob");
deployJobRetry(client, host, deployment, 0, token);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

public void deployJob(String host, Deployment job)
throws HostNotFoundException, JobAlreadyDeployedException, JobDoesNotExistException,
JobPortAllocationConflictException {
try {
deployJob(host, job, Job.EMPTY_TOKEN);
} catch (TokenVerificationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

private RollingUpdateOp rollingUpdateDeploy(final ZooKeeperClient client,
final RollingUpdateOpFactory opFactory,
final DeploymentGroup deploymentGroup,
final String host) {
final Deployment deployment = Deployment.of(deploymentGroup.getJobId(), Goal.START,
Deployment.EMTPY_DEPLOYER_USER, this.name,
try {
final String token = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(
deploymentGroup.getRolloutOptions().getToken(), Job.EMPTY_TOKEN);
return opFactory.nextTask(getDeployOperations(client, host, deployment, token));
} catch (JobDoesNotExistException e) {
return opFactory.error(e, host, RollingUpdateError.JOB_NOT_FOUND);
} catch (TokenVerificationException e) {
return opFactory.error(e, host, RollingUpdateError.TOKEN_VERIFICATION_ERROR);
} catch (HostNotFoundException e) {
return opFactory.error(e, host, RollingUpdateError.HOST_NOT_FOUND);
} catch (JobPortAllocationConflictException e) {
return opFactory.error(e, host, RollingUpdateError.PORT_CONFLICT);
} catch (JobAlreadyDeployedException e) {
// Nothing to do
return opFactory.nextTask();

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

public AgentInfo getAgentInfo(final String host) {
return getAgentInfo(provider.get("getAgentInfo"), host);

代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios

public boolean isHostUp(final String host) {
final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("isHostUp");
return ZooKeeperRegistrarUtil.isHostRegistered(client, host) && checkHostUp(client, host);

代码示例来源:origin: at.molindo/helios-services

final boolean up = checkHostUp(client, host);
final HostInfo hostInfo = getHostInfo(client, host);
final AgentInfo agentInfo = getAgentInfo(client, host);
final Map tasks = getTasks(client, host);
final Map statuses = getTaskStatuses(client, host);
final Map envirOnment= getEnvironment(client, host);
final Map labels = getLabels(client, host);

代码示例来源:origin: at.molindo/helios-services

final Job job = getJob(id);
verifyToken(token, job);
final String taskCreatiOnPath= Paths.configHostJobCreation(host, id, operationId);
final List staticPorts = staticPorts(job);
final Map portNodes = Maps.newHashMap();
final byte[] idJson = id.toJsonBytes();
} catch (NoNodeException e) {
assertJobExists(client, id);
assertHostExists(client, host);
deployJobRetry(client, host, deployment, count + 1, token);
} catch (NodeExistsException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: at.molindo/helios-services

final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getJobStatus");
final Job job = getJob(client, jobId);
if (job == null) {
return null;
hosts = listJobHosts(client, jobId);
} catch (JobDoesNotExistException e) {
return null;
final ImmutableMap.Builder taskStatuses = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (final String host : hosts) {
final TaskStatus taskStatus = getTaskStatus(client, host, jobId);
if (taskStatus != null) {
taskStatuses.put(host, taskStatus);
final Deployment deployment = getDeployment(host, jobId);
if (deployment != null) {
deployments.put(host, deployment);

代码示例来源:origin: at.molindo/helios-services

* Creates a config entry within the specified agent to un/deploy a job, or more generally, change
* the deployment status according to the {@code Goal} value in {@link Deployment}.
public void deployJob(final String host, final Deployment deployment, final String token)
throws JobDoesNotExistException, JobAlreadyDeployedException, HostNotFoundException,
JobPortAllocationConflictException, TokenVerificationException {
final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("deployJob");
deployJobRetry(client, host, deployment, 0, token);

代码示例来源:origin: at.molindo/helios-services

public void deployJob(String host, Deployment job)
throws HostNotFoundException, JobAlreadyDeployedException, JobDoesNotExistException,
JobPortAllocationConflictException {
try {
deployJob(host, job, Job.EMPTY_TOKEN);
} catch (TokenVerificationException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);

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