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1. 发送短信

调用 TextMagic API。

// Include the TextMagic PHP lib 
// Set the username and password information 
$username = 'myusername'; 
$password = 'mypassword'; 
// Create a new instance of TM 
$router = new TextMagicAPI(array( 
 'username' => $username, 
 'password' => $password 
// Send a text message to '999-123-4567' 
$result = $router->send('Wake up!', array(9991234567), true); 
// result: Result is: Array ( [messages] => Array ( [19896128] => 9991234567 ) [sent_text] => Wake up! [parts_count] => 1 ) 

2. 根据IP查找地址

function detect_city($ip) { 
  $default = 'UNKNOWN'; 
  if (!is_string($ip) || strlen($ip) <1 || $ip == '' || $ip == 'localhost') 
   $ip = ''; 
  $curlopt_useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)'; 
  $url = 'http://ipinfodb.com/ip_locator.php&#63;ip=' . urlencode($ip); 
  $ch = curl_init(); 
  $curl_opt = array( 
   CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $curlopt_useragent, 
   CURLOPT_URL  => $url, 
   CURLOPT_REFERER   => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 
  curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_opt); 
  $cOntent= curl_exec($ch); 
  if (!is_null($curl_info)) { 
   $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch); 
  if ( preg_match('{
  • City : ([^<]*)
  • }i', $content, $regs) ) { $city = $regs[1]; } if ( preg_match('{
  • State/Province : ([^<]*)
  • }i', $content, $regs) ) { $state = $regs[1]; } if( $city!='' && $state!='' ){ $location = $city . ', ' . $state; return $location; }else{ return $default; } }

    3. 显示网页的源代码

    <&#63;php // display source code 
    $lines = file('http://google.com/'); 
    foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { 
        // loop thru each line and prepend line numbers 
        echo "Line #{$line_num} : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "
    4. 检查服务器是否使用HTTPS

    if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") { 
     echo "This is not HTTPS"; 
     echo "This is HTTPS"; 

    5. 显示Facebook粉丝数量

    function fb_fan_count($facebook_name){ 
     // Example: https://graph.facebook.com/digimantra 
     $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/".$facebook_name)); 
     echo $data->likes; 

    6. 检测图片的主要颜色

    $i = imagecreatefromjpeg("image.jpg"); 
    for ($x=0;$x> 16) & 0xFF; 
      $g = ($rgb >> & 0xFF; 
      $b = $rgb & 0xFF; 
      $rTotal += $r; 
      $gTotal += $g; 
      $bTotal += $b; 
    $rAverage = round($rTotal/$total); 
    $gAverage = round($gTotal/$total); 
    $bAverage = round($bTotal/$total); 

    7. 获取内存使用信息

    echo "Initial: ".memory_get_usage()." bytes \n"; 
    /* prints 
    Initial: 361400 bytes 
    // let's use up some memory 
    for ($i = 0; $i <100000; $i++) { 
     $array []= md5($i); 
    // let's remove half of the array 
    for ($i = 0; $i <100000; $i++) { 
    echo "Final: ".memory_get_usage()." bytes \n"; 
    /* prints 
    Final: 885912 bytes 
    echo "Peak: ".memory_get_peak_usage()." bytes \n"; 
    /* prints 
    Peak: 13687072 bytes 

    8. 使用 gzcompress() 压缩数据

    $string = 
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
    adipiscing elit. Nunc ut elit id mi ultricies 
    adipiscing. Nulla facilisi. Praesent pulvinar, 
    sapien vel feugiat vestibulum, nulla dui pretium orci, 
    non ultricies elit lacus quis ante. Lorem ipsum dolor 
    sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam 
    pretium ullamcorper urna quis iaculis. Etiam ac massa 
    sed turpis tempor luctus. Curabitur sed nibh eu elit 
    mollis congue. Praesent ipsum diam, consectetur vitae 
    ornare a, aliquam a nunc. In id magna pellentesque 
    tellus posuere adipiscing. Sed non mi metus, at lacinia 
    augue. Sed magna nisi, ornare in mollis in, mollis 
    sed nunc. Etiam at justo in leo congue mollis. 
    Nullam in neque eget metus hendrerit scelerisque 
    eu non enim. Ut malesuada lacus eu nulla bibendum 
    id euismod urna sodales. "; 
    $compressed = gzcompress($string); 
    echo "Original size: ". strlen($string)."\n"; 
    /* prints 
    Original size: 800 
    echo "Compressed size: ". strlen($compressed)."\n"; 
    /* prints 
    Compressed size: 418 
    // getting it back 
    $original = gzuncompress($compressed); 

    9. 使用PHP做Whois检查

    function whois_query($domain) { 
     // fix the domain name: 
     $domain = strtolower(trim($domain)); 
     $domain = preg_replace('/^http:\/\//i', '', $domain); 
     $domain = preg_replace('/^www\./i', '', $domain); 
     $domain = explode('/', $domain); 
     $domain = trim($domain[0]); 
     // split the TLD from domain name 
     $_domain = explode('.', $domain); 
     $lst = count($_domain)-1; 
     $ext = $_domain[$lst]; 
     // You find resources and lists 
     // like these on wikipedia: 
     // http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whois 
     $servers = array( 
      "biz" => "whois.neulevel.biz", 
      "com" => "whois.internic.net", 
      "us" => "whois.nic.us", 
      "coop" => "whois.nic.coop", 
      "info" => "whois.nic.info", 
      "name" => "whois.nic.name", 
      "net" => "whois.internic.net", 
      "gov" => "whois.nic.gov", 
      "edu" => "whois.internic.net", 
      "mil" => "rs.internic.net", 
      "int" => "whois.iana.org", 
      "ac" => "whois.nic.ac", 
      "ae" => "whois.uaenic.ae", 
      "at" => "whois.ripe.net", 
      "au" => "whois.aunic.net", 
      "be" => "whois.dns.be", 
      "bg" => "whois.ripe.net", 
      "br" => "whois.registro.br", 
      "bz" => "whois.belizenic.bz", 
      "ca" => "whois.cira.ca", 
      "cc" => "whois.nic.cc", 
      "ch" => "whois.nic.ch", 
      "cl" => "whois.nic.cl", 
      "cn" => "whois.cnnic.net.cn", 
      "cz" => "whois.nic.cz", 
      "de" => "whois.nic.de", 
      "fr" => "whois.nic.fr", 
      "hu" => "whois.nic.hu", 
      "ie" => "whois.domainregistry.ie", 
      "il" => "whois.isoc.org.il", 
      "in" => "whois.ncst.ernet.in", 
      "ir" => "whois.nic.ir", 
      "mc" => "whois.ripe.net", 
      "to" => "whois.tonic.to", 
      "tv" => "whois.tv", 
      "ru" => "whois.ripn.net", 
      "org" => "whois.pir.org", 
      "aero" => "whois.information.aero", 
      "nl" => "whois.domain-registry.nl" 
     if (!isset($servers[$ext])){ 
      die('Error: No matching nic server found!'); 
     $nic_server = $servers[$ext]; 
     $output = ''; 
     // connect to whois server: 
     if ($cOnn= fsockopen ($nic_server, 43)) { 
      fputs($conn, $domain."\r\n"); 
      while(!feof($conn)) { 
       $output .= fgets($conn,128); 
     else { die('Error: Could not connect to ' . $nic_server . '!'); } 
     return $output; 

    10. 通过Email发送PHP错误

    // Our custom error handler 
    function nettuts_error_handler($number, $message, $file, $line, $vars){ 
     $email = " 

    An error ($number) occurred on line $line and in the file: $file.


    "; $email .= "
    " . print_r($vars, 1) . "
    "; $headers = 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Email the error to someone... error_log($email, 1, 'you@youremail.com', $headers); // Make sure that you decide how to respond to errors (on the user's side) // Either echo an error message, or kill the entire project. Up to you... // The code below ensures that we only "die" if the error was more than // just a NOTICE. if ( ($number !== E_NOTICE) && ($number <2048) ) { die("There was an error. Please try again later."); } } // We should use our custom function to handle errors. set_error_handler('nettuts_error_handler'); // Trigger an error... (var doesn't exist) echo $somevarthatdoesnotexist;


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