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With the new Apple MacBook Pro with retina display, if you provide a "standard" image on your website, it'll be a little fuzzy. So you have to provide a retina image.


Is there a way to automatically switch to @2x images, like iOS (with Objective-C) does? What I've found is: CSS for high-resolution images on mobile and retina displays, but I wish I could find an automatic process for all my images, without CSS or Javascript.


Is it possible?


I would emphasize this interesting article suggested by @Paul D. Waite and an interesting discussion about it linked by Sebastian.

更新我要强调这篇@Paul D. Waite建议的有趣文章和Sebastian链接的关于它的有趣讨论。

10 个解决方案



There is a new attribute for the img tag that allows you to add a retina src attribute, namely srcset. No Javascript or CSS needed, no double loading of images.

img标签有一个新属性,允许您添加retina src属性,即srcset。不需要Javascript或CSS,不需要重复加载图像。

Browser Support: http://caniuse.com/#search=srcset

浏览器支持:http://caniuse.com/搜索= srcset

Other Resources:


  • WebKit release post
  • WebKit版本发布
  • W3C documentation for srcset
  • W3C文档srcset
  • good explanation about why and how to use srcset
  • 关于为什么和如何使用srcset的很好的解释。
  • Chris Coyer's post for more good info
  • Chris Coyer的文章提供了更多的信息



There are different solutions, each with its own pros and cons. Which one is best for you depends on various factors, such as how your website is designed, what kind of technology your typical visitors are using etc. Note that retina displays are not limited to the Macbook Pro Retina and the coming iMacs, but also include mobile devices, which may have their own needs.

有不同的解决方案,每个都有自己的优点和缺点。哪一个最适合你取决于各种各样的因素,比如你的网站设计,典型的游客正在使用什么样的技术等等。注意,视网膜显示视网膜并不仅限于Macbook Pro和未来的imac,但也包括移动设备,这可能有他们自己的需求。

The problem is also closely related to images in responsive designs in general. In fact, it is probably best to utilize generic responsive design techniques, instead of designing for specific devices. After all, technology will keep changing all the time in the future, too.


Some of the solutions/discussions I noted:


  • Vectors wherever possible including CSS techniques (gradients, rounded corners etc.), SVG and icon fonts.
  • 向量尽可能包括CSS技术(渐变、圆角等)、SVG和图标字体。
  • Serving high resolution ("retina") images, but compress them more (JPEG quality), as suggested by Yoav Weiss, or let the mobile networks compress them when really needed (i.e. when mobile), as suggested by Paul Boag.
  • 提供高分辨率(“视网膜”)图像,但是像Yoav Weiss建议的那样压缩它们(JPEG质量),或者让移动网络在真正需要时(比如移动时)压缩它们,正如Paul Boag所建议的那样。
  • Adaptive Images, a (mostly) server side solution. It is based on a COOKIE storing the screen resolution, a web server configured to serve images from a PHP script, and named script to read the COOKIE and serve the appropriate image.
  • 自适应图像,一个(主要)服务器端解决方案。它基于一个存储屏幕分辨率的COOKIE,一个配置为从PHP脚本中提供图像的web服务器,以及读取COOKIE并提供适当图像的命名脚本。
  • A bunch of possibilities well described and discussed on Smashing Magazine.
  • 《Smashing》杂志很好地描述和讨论了一系列可能性。
  • Serving just slightly higher resolutions to smooth retina portrayal a little, as suggested in a video by Paul Boag.
  • 就像Paul Boag在一段视频中建议的那样,用稍微高一些的分辨率来描绘视网膜的图像。
  • The @1.5x technique on A List Apart is basically the same idea.
  • 清单上的@1.5x技术基本上是相同的。
  • In the near future, the tag may become a solution supported by a W3C working group and even Apple.
  • 在不久的将来, 标记可能成为W3C工作组甚至苹果支持的解决方案。
  • A Javascript technique proposed by Jake Archebald.
  • Jake Archebald提出的一种Javascript技术。
  • An extensive discussion of different techniques on Smashing Magazine and the problem in general.
  • 对粉碎杂志的不同技术和一般问题进行了广泛的讨论。

As the other answers show, there are even more techniques - but probably no best practice, yet.


One thing I wonder is how to test and debug some of these techniques, without having the respective device(s) available...




Here is the less mixin I use to achieve this for background images. retina.js doesn't work for background images if you are using dotLess, since it requires its own mixin which itself uses script evaluation which isn't supported in dotLess.


The trick with all of this is to get IE8 support. It can't easily do background-size so the base case (non mobile media query) has to be a simple, non-scaled icon. The media query then handles the case of retina and is free to use the background-size class since retina will never be used on IE8.


.retina-background-image( @path, @filename,@extension, @size )
     .background-size( cover );
     background-image: url( "@{path}@{filename}@{extension}" );
         @media only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 ),
                only screen and ( -moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 ),
                only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1 ),
                only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 )
             background-image:url( "@{path}@{filename}@x2@{extension}" );
             background-size:@size @size;

Usage sample:


.retina-background-image( "../references/Images/", "start_grey-97_12", ".png", 12px );

Ths requires you to have two files:


  • start_grey-97_12.png
  • start_grey - 97 _12.png
  • start_grey-97_12@2x.png
  • start_grey - 97 _12@2x.png

Where the 2x file is double resolution for retina.




Since no one's mentioned the obvious yet, I'll float it out there: where possible, just use SVG. They appear at beautiful retina resolutions with no effort whatsoever.


Support for it is good with IE8 being the main dinosaur to worry about. Gzipped file sizes are often better than bitmapped (png/jpg) formats and the images are more flexible; you can reuse them at different resolutions and restyle them if necessary, which saves both development time and download bandwidth.




Just provide retina images to everyone, and squeeze the image to half its native size inside the image element. Like let's say your image is 400px wide and tall - just specify the image width as 200px to make it look sharp like this:


If your image is photographic, you can probably increase the JPG compression on it without making it look worse, because the JPG compression artifacts probably won't be visible when the image is displayed at 2x: see http://blog.netvlies.nl/design-interactie/retina-revolution/

如果您的图像是照相的,那么您可以增加对它的JPG压缩,而不会使它看起来更糟,因为当图像显示为2x时,JPG压缩构件很可能是不可见的:请参见http://blog.netvlies.nl/design- revolution -interactie/retina- /



if its background images a simple way to do this is:


    #image { background: url(image.png); }

@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
       only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
       only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
       only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
           #image { background: url(image@2x.png); background-size: 50%; }

another simple way is to use this method:


Just replace:





I've found this interesting way for providing multiple resolution images.
It actually uses CSS, something I wanted to avoid, and works in Safari and Chrome only.
I'm talking about image-set.


Here's an example, provided by Apple (here):


header {
    background: -webkit-image-set( url(images/header.jpg)    1x,
                                   url(images/header_2x.jpg) 2x);
    height: 150px; /* height in CSS pixels */
    width: 800px; /* width in CSS pixels */

I wanna share also these two links:


  • Safari 6 and Chrome 21 add image-set to support retina images
  • Safari 6和Chrome 21增加了支持视网膜图像的图像集
  • The image-set() notation @W3C
  • 图像集()符号@W3C



If you are not frustrated by fear of using java-script then here is a good article http://www.highrobotics.com/articles/web/ready-for-retina.aspx. It has very simple solution.


And the example in JSFiddle is worth a thousand words.






function getImgSrc(img, src) {
    var srcResult = src;
    // if high-res screen then change _x1 on _x2
    if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1 && 
        src.indexOf("_x1.")>=0) {
          srcResult = src.replace("_x1.", "_x2.");
    img.Onload= null; //protect from second rasing
    img.src = srcResult;    

  // fire onload trigger on IMG tags that have empty SRC attribute
  var images = $('img:not([src=""])');
    images.each(function(i) {



My code snippet does just this. No jQuery required, just use the data-hdimg attribute.




document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', ->
  HDimgs = document.querySelectorAll '[data-hdimg]'
    image = new Image()
    image.Onload= ->
      console.info 'Image loaded'
      img.src = image.src
      img.style.width = "#{image.width / 2}px"
      img.removeAttribute 'data-hdimg'
    image.Onerror= ->
      console.error 'Could not load image'
    image.src = img.dataset.hdimg
  ) for img in HDimgs



This problem is especially tricky with responsive sites where and image can be of varying width dependant on browser size. Also when dealing with a CMS where multiple editors are potentially uploading 1000s of images it to me seemed unrealistic for me to ask people to upload specially compressed images.


So I wrote a script that takes this into account, it fires at the bottom of the page and on resize finish. Each time taking into account pixel density and the size the image is occupying.

因此,我编写了一个脚本,考虑到这一点,它在页面底部触发并在resize finish上启动。每次考虑像素密度和图像占用的大小。



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