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Let's say I have a vector of variables like this:


[1] "A1" "A1" "A1" "A1" "A2" "A2" "A2" "A2" "B1" "B1" "B1" "B1"

and I want to covert this into into a data frame like this:


  treatment time
1         A    1
2         A    1
3         A    1
4         A    1
5         A    2
6         A    2
7         A    2
8         A    2
9         B    1
10        B    1
11        B    1
12        B    1

To that end, I used reshape2's colsplit function. It rquires a pattern to split the string, but I quickly realize there is no obvious pattern to split the two characters without any space. I tried "" and got the following results:


> colsplit(trialm$variable,"",names=c("treatment","time"))
   treatment time
1         NA   A1
2         NA   A1
3         NA   A1
4         NA   A1
5         NA   A2
6         NA   A2
7         NA   A2
8         NA   A2
9         NA   B1
10        NA   B1
11        NA   B1
12        NA   B1

I also tried a lookbehind or lookahead regular expression :


Error in gregexpr("(?<=\\w)", c("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A2", "A2", "A2",  : 
  invalid regular expression '(?<=\w)', reason 'Invalid regexp'

but it gave me the above error. How can I solve this problem?


9 个解决方案



substr is another way to do it.


> variable <- c(rep("A1", 4), rep("A2", 4), rep("B1", 4))
> data.frame(treatment=substr(variable, 1,1), time=as.numeric(substr(variable,2,2)))
   treatmen time
1         A    1
2         A    1
3         A    1
4         A    1
5         A    2
6         A    2
7         A    2
8         A    2
9         B    1
10        B    1
11        B    1
12        B    1



Update: 24 December 2017

Somewhere along the line, the "stringr" package (which is imported with "reshape2" and which is responsible for the splitting that takes place with colsplit) started to use "stringi" for several of its functions. Some behavior seems to have changed because of that.


Using the current "reshape2" (and current "stringr" package), colsplit works the way you would have expected it to with your code:


## [1] ‘1.4.3’
## [1] ‘1.2.0’

colsplit(variable, "", names = c("treatment", "time"))
##    treatment time
## 1          A    1
## 2          A    1
## 3          A    1
## 4          A    1
## 5          A    2
## 6          A    2
## 7          A    2
## 8          A    2
## 9          B    1
## 10         B    1
## 11         B    1
## 12         B    1

Original Answer: 24 April 2013

If a pattern can be detected in your "variable" but there is no clean split character that can be used, then add one :)


variable <- c("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A2", "A2", 
              "A2", "A2", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1")
## Here, we add a "." between upper case letters and numbers
colsplit(gsub("([A-Z])([0-9])", "\\1\\.\\2", variable), 
         "\\.", c("Treatment", "Time"))
#    Treatment Time
# 1          A    1
# 2          A    1
# 3          A    1
# 4          A    1
# 5          A    2
# ::::: snip :::: #
# 11         B    1
# 12         B    1

Additional Options: 23 December 2017

My "splitstackshape" package has a single-purpose non-exported helper function called NoSep that can be used for this:


##    .var .time_1
## 1     A       1
## 2     A       1
## 3     A       1
## 4     A       1
## 5     A       2
## ::: snip :::: #
## 11    B       1
## 12    B       1

The "tidyverse" (specifically the "tidyr" package) has a couple of convenient functions for splitting values into different columns: separate and extract. separate has already been demonstrated by jazzuro, but the solution is very specific to this particular problem. Also, it generally works better with a delimiter. extract expects you to specify a regular expression with the groups you want to capture:

“tidyverse”(特别是“tidyr”包)有几个方便的功能,可以将值分成不同的列:单独和提取。 jazzuro已经证明了分离,但解决方案非常特定于这一特定问题。此外,它通常使用分隔符更好。 extract希望您指定包含要捕获的组的正则表达式:

data.frame(variable) %>% 
  extract(variable, into = c("Treatment", "Time"), regex = "([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)")
#    Treatment Time
# 1          A    1
# 2          A    1
# 3          A    1
# 4          A    1
# 5          A    2
# ::::: snip :::: #
# 11         B    1
# 12         B    1



You can use substr to split it:




df <- data.frame(treatment =   substr(variable, start = 1, stop = 1),
                 time =        substr(variable, start = 2, stop = 2) )



If you create a data frame with the vector, variable, you could use separate() from the tidyr package now.


mydf <- data.frame(variable = c(rep("A1", 4), rep("A2", 4), rep("B1", 4)),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

separate(mydf, variable, c("treatement", "time"), sep = 1)

#   treatement time
#1           A    1
#2           A    1
#3           A    1
#4           A    1
#5           A    2
#6           A    2
#7           A    2
#8           A    2
#9           B    1
#10          B    1
#11          B    1
#12          B    1



Another solution using regular expression


variable <- c(paste0("A", c(rep(1, 4), rep(2, 3))),
              paste0("B", rep(1, 4))

    treatment = str_extract(variable, "[[:alpha:]]"),
    time = as.numeric(str_extract(variable, "[[:digit:]]"))

##    treatment time
## 1          A    1
## 2          A    1
## 3          A    1
## 4          A    1
## 5          A    2
## 6          A    2
## 7          A    2
## 8          B    1
## 9          B    1
## 10         B    1
## 11         B    1



A new function tstrsplit() was introduced in data.table v1.9.5. The t stands for transpose. It's the result of splitting a character vector with strsplit() and then transposing it.

在data.table v1.9.5中引入了一个新函数tstrsplit()。 t代表转置。这是用strsplit()分割字符向量然后转置它的结果。

# dummy data
dt <- data.table(var = c(rep("A1", 4), rep("A2", 4), rep("B1", 4)))

Using tstrsplit():


dt[, tstrsplit(var, "")]

    V1 V2
 1:  A  1
 2:  A  1
 3:  A  1
 4:  A  1
 5:  A  2
 6:  A  2
 7:  A  2
 8:  A  2
 9:  B  1
10:  B  1
11:  B  1
12:  B  1

Yes, it's that easy. :-)

是的,就这么简单。 :-)



You can use substring() to create vectors then join them using the data.frame function.


yyy<-c("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A2", "A2", "A2", "A2", "B1", "B1", "B1", "B1")

treatment<-substring(yyy, 1,1)





You could just use strsplit


df <- t(data.frame(strsplit(variable, "")))
rownames(df) <- NULL
colnames(df) <- c("treatment" , "time" )
      treatment time
 [1,] "A"       "1" 
 [2,] "A"       "1" 
 [3,] "A"       "1" 
 [4,] "A"       "1" 
 [5,] "A"       "2" 
 [6,] "A"       "2" 
 [7,] "A"       "2" 
 [8,] "A"       "2" 
 [9,] "B"       "1" 
[10,] "B"       "1" 
[11,] "B"       "1" 
[12,] "B"       "1" 

Instead of using t you can use rbind and then coerce to data.frame as follows:


setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(variable, ""))), 
         c("Treatment", "Time"))
#    Treatment Time
# 1          A    1
# 2          A    1
# 3          A    1
# 4          A    1
# 5          A    2
# 6          A    2
# 7          A    2
# 8          B    1
# 9          B    1
# 10         B    1
# 11         B    1



Based on the comment of @Justin I suggest this (using v <- c("A1", "B2")):

基于@Justin的评论我建议这个(使用v <- c(“A1”,“B2”)):

> t(sapply(strsplit(v, ''), '[', c(1, 2)))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,] "A"  "1" 
[2,] "B"  "2" 

The vector after `'[' selects the items from the split vector. So I split only once, keeping both items. Maybe this is even easier if you want to keep every item:


t(sapply(strsplit(v, ''), identity))

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