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This question already has an answer here:


  • Does ruby have real multithreading? 9 answers
  • ruby有真正的多线程吗? 9个答案

I'm using ruby-head and Debian wheezy x64. When I run a multithreaded ruby script, htop shows that it's using multiple cores visually with the bars at the top, and that it's using 100% CPU on the process list but it's only using 100% of the capacity of one core. I assume it's possible to have multiple cores running at 100% and this number seems too convenient to be bottle-necked by either the program logic or another hardware aspect. Is the OS limiting the amount of available instructions I'm using, if so how do I stop this?

我正在使用ruby-head和Debian wheezy x64。当我运行多线程ruby脚本时,htop显示它在视觉上使用多个核心,顶部有条形图,并且它在进程列表中使用100%CPU,但它只使用100%的一个核心容量。我认为有可能让多个内核以100%运行,这个数字似乎太方便了,无法通过程序逻辑或其他硬件方面进行瓶颈。操作系统是否限制了我正在使用的可用指令数量,如果是这样,我该怎么做呢?

EDIT more info:


When I mean visually using multiple cores e.g.: 47% core 1, 29% core 2, and 24% core 3. These percentages are constantly shifting up and down and to different sets of cores, but always collectively add up to 100%-102%. More than 3(/8 total) cores are being used, but any cores other than the three most burdened only utilize 2% or less capacity. I guess I should also mention this is a linode VPS.

当我的意思是直观地使用多个核心时,例如:47%核心1,29%核心2和24%核心3.这些百分比不断地上下移动到不同的核心集合,但总是总计达到100%-102 %。使用的核心数超过3个(每个/ 8个),但除了三个核心以外的任何核心仅使用2%或更少的容量。我想我还应该提一下这是一个linode VPS。



Well it looks like I was reading promises that 2.0 would feature true parallel threads, and not actual release information. Time to switch to Jruby...

好吧,看起来我正在阅读承诺2.0将具有真正的并行线程,而不是实际的发布信息。是时候切换到Jruby ......

2 个解决方案



You failed to mention which Ruby implementation you are using. Not all Ruby implementations are capable of scheduling Ruby threads to multiple CPUs.


In particular:


  • MRI implements Ruby threads as green threads inside the interpreter and schedules them itself; it cannot schedule more than one thread at a time and it cannot schedule them to multiple CPUs
  • MRI将Ruby线程实现为解释器内的绿色线程并自行调度;它不能一次调度多个线程,也无法将它们安排到多个CPU
  • YARV implements Ruby threads as native OS threads (POSIX threads or Windows threads) and lets the OS schedule them, however it puts a Giant VM Lock (GVL) around them, so that only one Ruby thread can be running at any given time
  • YARV将Ruby线程实现为本机操作系统线程(POSIX线程或Windows线程),并允许操作系统安排它们,但是它会围绕它们放置一个巨型VM锁(GVL),以便在任何给定时间只能运行一个Ruby线程
  • Rubinius implements Ruby threads as native OS threads (POSIX threads or Windows threads) and lets the OS schedule them, however it puts a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) around them, so that only one Ruby thread can be running at any given time; Rubinius 2.0 is going to have fine-grained locks so that multiple Ruby threads can run at any given time
  • Rubinius将Ruby线程实现为本机操作系统线程(POSIX线程或Windows线程),并允许操作系统安排它们,但是它会围绕它们设置全局解释器锁(GIL),以便在任何给定时间只能运行一个Ruby线程; Rubinius 2.0将具有细粒度锁,因此可以在任何给定时间运行多个Ruby线程
  • JRuby implements Ruby threads as JVM threads and uses fine-grained locking so that multiple threads can be running; however, whether or not those threads are scheduled to multiple CPUs depends on the JVM being used, some allow this, some don't
  • JRuby将Ruby线程实现为JVM线程,并使用细粒度锁定,以便可以运行多个线程;但是,这些线程是否被调度到多个CPU取决于所使用的JVM,有些允许这样做,有些则不允许
  • IronRuby implements Ruby threads as CLI threads and uses fine-grained locking so that multiple threads can be running; however, whether or not those threads are scheduled to multiple CPUs depends on the VES being used, some allow this, some don't
  • IronRuby将Ruby线程实现为CLI线程,并使用细粒度锁定,以便可以运行多个线程;但是,这些线程是否被调度到多个CPU取决于所使用的VES,有些允许这样做,有些则不允许
  • MacRuby implements Ruby threads as native OS threads and uses fine-grained locking so that multiple threads can be running on multiple CPUs at the same time
  • MacRuby将Ruby线程实现为本机操作系统线程,并使用细粒度锁定,以便多个线程可以同时在多个CPU上运行

I don't know enough about Topaz, Cardinal, MagLev, MRuby and all the others.




MRI implements Ruby Threads as Green Threads within its interpreter. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow those threads to be scheduled in parallel, they can only run one thread at a time.

MRI在其解释器中将Ruby Threads实现为绿色线程。不幸的是,它不允许并行调度这些线程,它们一次只能运行一个线程。

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