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There are three pieces to most examples of jQuery usage: the HTML document, CSS files to style it, and Javascript files to act on it. For our first example, we'll use a page with a book excerpt that has a number of classes applied to portions of it. This page includes a reference to the latest version of the jQuery library, which we have downloaded, renamed jquery.js, and placed in our local project directory, as follows:
Through the Looking-Glass
by Lewis Carroll

1. Looking-Glass House

There was a book lying near Alice on the table, and while she sat watching the White King (for she was still a little anxious about him, and had the ink all ready to throw over him, in case he fainted again), she turned over the leaves, to find some part that she could read, 

"—for it's all in some language I don't know,"
she said to herself.

It was like this.


sevot yhtils eht dna ,gillirb sawT'
;ebaw eht ni elbmig dna eryg diD
,sevogorob eht erew ysmim llA
.ebargtuo shtar emom eht dnA

She puzzled over this for some time, but at last 

a bright thought struck her.
"Why, it's a Looking-glass book, of course! And if I hold it up to a glass, the words will all go the right way again."

This was the poem that Alice read.


'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
File Paths
The actual layout of files on the server does not matter. References from one file to another just need to be adjusted to match the organization we choose. In most examples in this book, we will use relative paths to reference files (../images/foo.png) rather than absolute paths (/images/foo.png). This will allow the code to run locally without the need for a web server.
Immediately following the normal HTML preamble, the stylesheet is loaded. For this example, we'll use the following:
body {background-color: #fff;color: #000;font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}
h1, h2, h3 {margin-bottom: .2em;}
.poem {margin: 0 2em;}
.highlight {background-color: #ccc;border: 1px solid #888;font-style: italic;margin: 0.5em 0;padding: 0.5em;}
After the stylesheet is referenced, the JavaScript files are included. It is important that the script tag for the jQuery library be placed before the tag for our custom scripts; otherwise, the jQuery framework will not be available when our code attempts to reference it.
Throughout the rest of this book, only the relevant portions of HTML and CSS files will be printed. The files in their entirety are available at the book's companion website http://book.learningjquery.com.

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